Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Cavy article

check out this article i wrote about pet cavys!

Quick Pet Guinea Pig Care Guide! Simple Tips For A Healthy Cavy!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Check out this article i wrote about training a problem cat at ezinearticles!

Cat Training Problems

Training Your Cat To Go Outside

What Is The Best Cat Training Technique?

Toilet Training Your Cat

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Cat training secrets

When it comes to training cats many people go about the typical methods you find in any run of the mill book or website and follow the instructions blindly and end up not getting very far.

What if you realized that most of what you are doing is wrong and can actually cause more problems with your cat? What if you realized that you are training your cat like a dog when they are totally different animals with completely different ways of thinking?
What if you could train a cat that would work with a cat’s nature instead of against it?

"So what are you saying?" I hear you ask. I am saying that you need to break out of the old ways of thinking and try something new. A new angle which will enable you to find you cats behavior triggers and understand their actions to such a degree you will find training them easy, rewarding and you will feel you still retain all the things that make your kitty a CAT!

I am talking about a revolutionary audio guide that is instantly downloadable called Cat Secrets by Mike Ray a cat enthusiast who has developed an alternative way of training cats and modifying their behavior that has caused an uproar among traditional cat trainers whose methods he has

Click here to visit the website and read the many testimonials from happy cat owners. His product is 100% guaranteed and refundable if you are not happy with it so the only thing you can really lose is your cat’s bad behaviors!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Dog Training Mastery

While i usually write about the smallest of pets i had to show you this guide on how to train your dog.

From stopping barking, to biting, jumping, scratching anything, this is such a great guide that really has everything you need to have a perfectly trained dog in a short space of time.

Click here to check this guide out.

It comes with heaps of freebies as well, well worth the download.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Quick pet guinea pig care guide! Simple tips for a healthy cavy!

Guinea pig's also known as Cavies are one of the gentlest, loving, clean and adorable pets you can care for. These timid creatures have grown in popularity over the last few years but not as much is known about pet guinea pig care as cats or dogs or fish which are more prominent. Luckily guinea pigs are not too difficult to look after, they are clean, do not smell like mice and do not bite like ferrets. Here are a few simple tips to care for your guinea pig!


It is best to keep your guinea pig in a decent size cage, four to six square feet of floor space for each guinea pig is good but slightly smaller will suffice. Make sure the floor is solid not wire cage like the walls however as this can hurt their feet, also guinea pigs cannot jump or climb very well also so you do not need a roof to their enclosure as long as it is about 18 inches high. Make sure your enclosure also has a place for your pet to hide in if it wants; in the wild it was defenseless against predators so when it feels threatened it needs a place to feel secure in.


A bed of shredded newspaper or wood shavings is ideal for your guinea pig. Beware however of wood shavings with a lot of aroma such as some types of pine as this can cause some healthy issues. Make sure you change the bedding at least once a week.


For good Guinea pig care you should have a large and steady supply of water as they tend to drink a lot. Water in a dish is fine but can often get messy as bits of bedding may get into it and they might tip it accidentally and wet themselves and their cage. Most experts recommend a feeding tube attached to a bottle, these can be purchased at most pet stores and have a device that stops the water leaking out so the guinea pig can drink without making a mess.
Guinea pigs are also very susceptible to a lack of vitamin C and while their food pellets are infused with the vitamin older tablets lose their potency. You can add Vitamin C supplements to the drinking water however to keep their supply up.
While guinea pig pellets should be the main part of your pet’s diet you can also feed them other fresher food like turnips, spinach, hay and kale. Do not however feed your pig fruits and sweets as this upsets their digestive system.


A sick guinea pig will suffer from hair loss and crusty or inflamed eyes, nose and ears. These symptoms are caused often by a lack of vitamin C but also from diseases they can pick up from guinea pig colonies at pet stores, while the usual cure for diseases like these is anti-biotics, guinea pigs are known to react very badly to such treatment.
Other things to check are flaky skin and ticks and fleas, when purchasing your guinea pig make sure you check for all these things so you choose a healthy pig that can live up to 8 years if cared for well!

Physical care

Long haired varieties of guinea pigs need regular brushing, combs used for Persian cats are good for this. Make sure your long haired pig is free from items getting caught up in their hair, this breed needs much more attention.
You should also clip the nails of your pig once a month, a normal nail clipper is good for this.
A Guinea pigs teeth are also always growing and they need something wooden in their pen for them to chew on so they do not overgrow.

You should now know the basics of good pet guinea pig care and will have a happy healthy little pet that will delight you for many years to come!


Do you need a comprehensive guide to guinea pig care to keep your little friend happy and healthy?

The Comprehensive Cavy Guide is a wonderful e-book with great life saving tips for your cavy, a brilliant breeding guide and many tips to help you understand your guinea pig better!

This e-book comes with many free bonus e-books for a limited time only!

Do you owe it to your little buddy to keep him safe and well cared for?

If so click here! The Comprehensive Cavy Guide!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Comprehensive Cavy Guide

this is by far the best Guinea pig guide you can download from the internet!

With in-depth info written in plain english it covers such topics as:
and much more

So if you want your little friend to have a great life please click this link! The Comprehensive Cavy Guide

Good luck with your pet care!


Welcome to Small and furry! a blog dedicated to your small and furry friends such as guinea pigs, ferrets, mice and rats!

More articles will be added as time goes on so stay tuned!